Never Tell Yourself - NO!

Never Tell Yourself - NO! . When you came into this world, you came in naked, scared, crying and innocent. You were completely helpless and totally dependent on those around you for everything you needed to survive. You are the only one that can determine who you are, what you do, and where you will go. These are your God given - RIGHTS. Everything else is a privilege you create or earn. Freedom - love it, use it, don’t abuse it!

We are looking for Vacant, Abandoned or Unwanted Properties
If you have Vacant, Abandoned or Unwanted Properties in your neighborhood that are an eyesore, boarded up, over grown with weeds, attracting graffiti and bringing down the safety and value of your community let us know. We will try to get it taken care of. If you are driving around and see Vacant, Abandoned or Unwanted Properties in other neighborhoods or near your families, your schools, youth centers and parks, let us know. We will try to get it taken care of. - Victor and Brenda

REI Realtors

If you are a licensed Broker or Realtor and have experience working with Real Estate Investors, when you come across vacant, abandoned or unwanted or neglected properties, tell us so that we can work with you so they can be returned to the communities to be owned, leased or rented.

By helping us, you help yourself and your communities:
  • By returning these houses to livable conditions, helps make the community safer and increases value and prices for all of us.
  • You get paid commissions when we buy these properties that you may not have gotten otherwise.
  • You're helping us, help people, get into properties that they may ever have been able to get into without us.
  • On the properties that we Flip or Sell you may be getting commissions again that you may never have gotten, and may now as our Realtor.
  • Its always good to have a network of friends in the business.
You can send us an email at:

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